Con-Hill Activist Exchange

The 9th of August 2022 marked a significant event curated by Rivonia Circle – The Activist Exchange Project.

Themed around #PowerToAct, the event brought together a dynamic coalition of over 700 activists who participated in a day filled with impassioned workshops, discussions, and capacity-building sessions. These sessions took place in various venues, spanning from the vibrant heart of downtown Joburg to the esteemed halls of Wits University and the symbolic Constitution Hill. The event served as a testament to the undeniable enthusiasm and commitment of South African youth in actively shaping their nation’s future, particularly in politics.

The Activist Exchange Project event emphasized the sharing of skills, experiences, and a commitment to driving positive change. Key organizations, including Rivonia Circle, Democracy Development Program, Innovate Kasi Organisation, Sketch Productions, BizPlug, Right2Protest, the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS), Defend our Democracy, AKF Youth, Activate!, Accountability Lab, SECTION27, CovidComms, YD Co-lab, and many more, converged to share skills, experiences, and commit to change towards a better future.

Post-event, partnerships flourished, laying the foundation for the Activist Exchange to become an annual feature at Rivonia Circle – a powerful space for activist networking and impactful change.

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